I need help with my body image.

Some recurring issues you might be facing if you struggle with feeling good about how you look and feel in your own skin.

Food Related:

Whether I follow a diet plan or not, I spend a lot of my day thinking about what I have eaten or what I’m going to eat, and feeling anxious about it.

I don’t feel like I’m allowed to have the foods I want so I have to withhold them from myself, or sneak them…and then I end of eating a lot…and feeling even more guilty…

Exercise Related:

I have to burn off the food I eat .

I have to move around once I eat to burn off the food.

If I haven’t done enough during a day I am reluctant to eat at night.

If I want to relax and watch a tv show at night I don’t feel that is justified/I can’t allow it if I haven’t done a lot of exercise that day. I may still sit and watch tv, but I’ll feel bad, guilty and won’t be able to really just enjoy my down time.

If I see anyone exercising, even if I’ve just exercised myself, I feel like I have to be going again too.

Relationship Related:

I don’t like going out because of how I feel about my body.

I avoid going places where people will see my body ie. swimming pools…

I avoid travel/flying because of how I feel about my body.

 I don’t like it when my partner or people in general hug me - they’ll judge my body.

I don’t like my partner seeing me naked.

I don’t like my partner touching my belly.

Michelle Morand