Join The 123 Living Mastery Program

I’m committed to making life make sense for you.

It’s literally my favourite thing to do! Well…Next to walking my dogs, Olive and Winston, in the forest…which I do every day, without fail! And I’ll show up for you without fail too!

If you show up, I promise you, we are going to make this the year you make life make sense and get past all the crap that’s holding you back from living your life to the fullest.

How it works?

First of all: Let’s be clear. This program is going to change things. In the best way.

But it’s not for people who are looky-looing.

It’s not for people who aren’t sure they are ready to get their act together.

This program requires that you show up ready to live your most fulfilling and enjoyable life! Remember, you don’t have to know how the hell that’s going to happen - that’s my job - you just have to be ready for massive change and to follow the steps I teach you.

And in order to do that - it takes a 6 month commitment - Yes, 6 months of me and you putting it all together and creating the life of your dreams. Imagine where you’ll be in 6 months if you just get the tools and support you need to keep putting one foot confidently in front of the other in the direction you most want to go!?

Imagine where you’ll be if you don’t?

The truth is - You can learn the vary basic tools of this program within the first month - and if that’s enough for you, you can leave the program then, with my well wishes and full support.

But I’ve created this program for YOU! The person who doesn’t want to just learn the basics and then head off on her own to try and figure out how to make them work.

If you’ve come this far, you want to get it all sorted out asap - and you don’t want to feel unnecessary stress or uncertainty while you’re taking steps to change how you experience yourself and the world around you. Right?

You want to master this stuff! You want to kick self-doubt and those old, harmful ways of thinking and feeling and doing life, to the curb for good right? And you want to learn from and with the very best in the business. And that’s me.

I’ve been at this for almost 30 years and, from my own personal recovery experience, and from helping thousands of people, I know what it takes for this stuff to become second nature.

It takes a program the truly ticks all the boxes.

It takes tools that make sense are easy to remember and us and which produce massive results every time you use them. CHECK!

It takes a safe and supportive place where you can fine tune and tweak your new understanding of yourself and the world around you. CHECK!

You need a place where you can practice - where the rubber can hit the road in safe and supported ways. CHECK!

And that’s what my 123 Living Mastery Program will give you. And then some!

We’re going to cover all the bits and pieces you need to rock life, now and for all the stuff that might come up down the road. I’m going to teach you to fish! And that takes a little time - but is worth every single moment.

We’ll be meeting every week, in small groups, via zoom video conference.

You’ll have brief, but transformative, homework assignments, and the support and accountability to follow through.

We’ll work through all the past, present and future stuff that keeps you stuck.

Classes will be recorded, in case you can’t make it - bound to happen a few times in 6 months!

Lessons will be presented in written, audio, and video format so no matter what your learning style, I’ve got you covered.

The total cost of the full 6 months of the Mastery Program and all the support, guidance, reassurance, validation, and peace and ease and freedom that comes with it, $3000 USD plus tax.

This also gives you lifetime access to our private facebook group for ongoing engagement as long as you’d like the option.

I have always believed in doing my best to make my work accessible to people, regardless of their finances - so I’ve created 3 different options for payment for the 123 Living Mastery Program. Just select the one that works best for you and your budget today.

Join Now With One Full Payment of $3000.00 USD

Option 1: Join The 123 Living Mastery Program in One Payment of $3000.00 USD


Join Now for 6 Equal Payments of $525.00 USD

Option 2: Join The 123 Living Mastery Program in 6 qual payments of $525.00 USD - Total Paid: $3125.00 USD


Join now, for 12 Equal Payments of 225.00 USD

Option 3: Join The 123 Living Mastery Program for 12 Equal Payments of $225.00 USD - Total Paid: $3300.00 USD


Join the private, Making Life Make Sense, Facebook Group Now

Option 4: Dip your toe in first, and find out what 123 Living is all about. Join my private, Making Life Make Sense, Facebook Group for $40.00 USD per month.